“Sarau!” is a puppet show for all audiences, which follows the spirit and aesthetics of the Muppet world created by Jim Henson forty years ago. It is designed to be staged in a square, outdoors, for children from 3 years old. With “Sarau!” we have a lot of pretensions… to make you laugh.
“Sarau!” tells the story of some neighbours who, at the last minute, are forced to cancel the events of the Festa Major. To avoid this, they decide to lose their shame and go on stage themselves, and perform music of very different styles as best they can. The show they will create together will include opera, rock and roll, salsa, sardanas, classical music, gospel and tik-toks. Surprisingly, they will have a decent Fiesta Mayor, and they will also have managed to entertain spectators of all ages with their brawls.